Sleeping with Makeup On

Here’s the thing, sleeping with makeup on can leave your pores clogged, cause breakouts, dry skin, redness and sensitivity. It’s no secret, many makeup products that we use have ingredients such as silicones that can block our pores. Now, what happens when your pores are blocked, your skin gets patchy and bumpy, and if your skin is acne prone, can lead to further breakouts. Did you know that your skin never stops working, and that our skin is made up of water, protein, lipids and numerous minerals and chemicals. It is also covered in pores which enable us to sweat and secrete sebum. Sebum is a natural lubricant that moisturisers and removes dead skin cells and many other irritants from our pores. When make-up is applied your pores become blocked and unable to release this sebum. Over time, this can lead to visibly larger pores (something we do not want)!
We all love our makeup, but don’t damage your beautiful skin by neglecting to remove your makeup daily.