Pilates Mat Classes Services

Best match results for pilates mat classes services in South Africa + 5km.

    Initially we only offered Biokinetics treatments and services since 2010. Since then we grew into a multifaceted Practice, offering not only our original Biokinetics treatments and services, but also Group and Personal Fitness / Pilates classes - since 2017. Our goal and mission remained the same over the years... First-class client centered, individualized quality treatment and service. Whatever your age, injury, circumstances, fitness levels and abilities, our team has a programme to suit... Read more

    Hi, i'm Madeleine. I am a certified Pilates instructor based in Fish Hoek, Cape Town. I completed my certification in Foundation and Basic Mat as well as Equipment 7 years ago at Conscious Movement Education in Constantia and have since been teaching classes and private sessions. I offer fun, creative, Pilates Mat Classes at the Corner Health Centre, 19 Recreation Road, Fish Hoek as well as online classes via Zoom. Classes are an hour in duration and groups are small to allow for individual attention.... Read more

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