Top facial hair trends of 2018

The shorter long beard
This style is an updated version of the long beard, which is difficult to maintain and can look a little wild and unkempt. The shorter take on the long beard follows the natural face shape of the individual and has sharply defined lines on the cheek to contrast the less organised hair below. The length of this style is typically two inches below the chin.
This style of facial hair only works for men who can grow a full and well-shaped beard. For men who lack strong jawlines, this look is a brilliant way to bring a stronger and more balanced look to the chin. To style this look and iron out any irregular kinks, apply hair paste to a damp beard and dry with a hairdryer while brushing the hairs. This will elongate your beard and make it easier to style into a neat shape.
The moustache
The moustache has made a major comeback in 2018 and is especially fashionable when worn with a five o’ clock shadow or a short beard. A moustache adds definition and structure to your face in the same way eyebrows do and can draw attention to your lips and chin, making for a rather sexy look.
A moustache suits men who can grow thick and consistent facial hair. Avoid a moustache if your hair-growth is patchy or irregularly coloured. Having a moustache does require a lot of maintenance, as you will need to style it and clean it, especially due to its close proximity to your mouth and anything you eat or drink.